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Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Combined Corp
Zone 1
1st aid & home nursing compt'07 - 1st runner up 1st aid & home nursing compt'06 - 2nd runner up
1st aid & home nursing compt'05 - CPR 1st
Every Second Counts CPR competition'06 - 1st
Zone walkaton collection'06 - Highest Average

Our corp

Please click on the names to get to their blogs :)

Mdm Nah - Teacher Officer
Miss Yu - Treasurer
Kuo Hsiung - IMPT senior!
Nuraidah - Senior


Wei Lun - OIC
Li Yun - 1st aid head
Zhi Yong - Secretary/Badge head
Chong Loon - Public Duty Head
Cherie - 1st aid assistant
Benjamin - Admin assistant
Qin Rong - Public Duty assistant

Section 4

Section IC: Qin Rong
WeiLun - ZhiYong - ChongLoon - LiYun - QinRong - HuiFang - Eileen - Grace - Xiu Li - Priscilla

Section 3

Section IC: Timothy Seah
Benjamin - Timothy - Cherie

Section 2

Section IC: Ying Xuan
XingFeng - XiYuan - David - Nicholas - Norris - Pooja - YingXuan - Linkeswary - Saranyan

Section 1

Section IC: -
Wei Lin - Wei Qi - Iris - Jia Hui - Jia Wei - Nicholas - Xin Rui

Important links

St John Org | SJAB zone 1 | Zone 1 forum | CPBS badges | KOTO notes | SJAB photos |


Can tok in squad ah?


September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
January 2007
April 2007
Friday, April 20, 2007

A few events to update on..

1st aid competition 2007
Congragulation to the ambulance team for getting 1st runner up!
Also to nursing team teh tremendous improvement!
Continue to improve!!! :)

Also to the sec ones who went as student helpers.. Thanks for being the casualty and helping out.. Be sure to take part in this competition next year :]

SJAB flag day
Congragulation for Benjamin for getting the highest (in our CORP, according to xiu li) and also all that has put their effort in getting all the donations they can get..

Also to xiu li and the sec ones for going for the counting day to help us count the total donations we have!

Congragulations to all that have been promoted regardless to all ranks!
Sec ones, do work hard and archieve all the badges you can get and also your ranks!

Amazing sec ones who found this blog
Well sec ones, sorry for not telling you all this blog.. we wanted to tell you but no time.. so now since you all know already.. do put your blog links here so I can update the people here.. :)

For all who are going for KOTO examination, you can print your notes from the KOTO notes link below.. and i also got a sample of KOTO questions (some only).. get it from me if you want

Chong Loon

KCSJ@* 8:21 AM

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

NCO 2006 photos are up!!!!

NCO Course 2006 [Instructors Pre Camp] -http://www.imagestation.com/album/pictures.html?id=2096640094

NCO Course 2006 [Course] - http://www.imagestation.com/album/pictures.html?id=2097182608

NCO Course 2006 [Camp] - http://www.imagestation.com/album/pictures.html?id=2096648214

NCO Course 2006 [Exam Day] - http://www.imagestation.com/album/pictures.html?id=2096639562

NCO Course 2006 [POC] - http://www.imagestation.com/album/pictures.html?id=2096406252

KCSJ@* 11:33 PM

DM Notice Friday, 2/2/2007

Fall-in Attire
Sec 2s – 4s: Half-uniform (with polished boots)
Sec 1s: PE attire



2.30pm –6.00pm

Things to bring
§ Writing materials
§ First aid manual (for Sec 2s - 4s)

Time Activities Person-In-Charge
2.30pm-2.45pm Fall-in OIC
2.45pm-4.00 pm First aid First aid IC
4.00pm-5.30pm Drills OIC
5.30 pm-6.00pm Admin/Fall-out Mdm Nah / OIC

KCSJ@* 11:59 AM

Saturday, January 20, 2007

NCO Passing out parade 2006

Congrats to all BNCO & ANCO cadets who had suscessfully passed NCO course 2006!!! Yay!!!
For those who did not make it, cheer up! There is still next year. Jia You.. =)

Also congrats to KCP SJAB!!! For getting the 'Highest Average for walkathon' award. ^^

KCSJ@* 10:00 PM

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

DM Notice Friday, 2/2/2007

Fall-in Attire
Sec 2s – 4s: Half-uniform (with polished boots)
Sec 1s: PE attire


2.30pm –6.00pm

Things to bring
§ Writing materials
§ First aid manual (for Sec 2s - 4s)

Time Activities Person-In-Charge
2.30pm-2.45pm Fall-in OIC
2.45pm-4.00 pm First aid First aid IC
4.00pm-5.30pm Drills OIC
5.30 pm-6.00pm Admin/Fall-out Mdm Nah / OIC

KCSJ@* 12:45 AM

DM Notice Friday, 2/2/2007

Fall-in Attire
Sec 2s – 4s: Half-uniform (with polished boots)
Sec 1s: PE attire


2.30pm –6.00pm

Things to bring
§ Writing materials
§ First aid manual (for Sec 2s – 4s)

Time Activities Person-In-Charge

2.30pm-2.45pm Fall-in OIC
2.45pm-4.00 pm First aid First aid IC
4.00pm-5.30pm Drills OIC
5.30 pm-6.00pm Admin/Fall-out Mdm Nah / OIC

KCSJ@* 12:43 AM

Monday, January 01, 2007

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERY ONE!!! SJAB NCO 2006 is finally over :)

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERY ONE!!! SJAB NCO 2006 is finally over (p.s. I know its over very long ago but got nothing else to type =.=).. Congrats to all who had went for the course and camp and gone through the full NCO course.. Especially to those sec ones who went for BNCO: 'Are the sec 3s fierce?' haha..

Here are some videos from you-tube of NCO course and camp.. You can also get them from you-tube.. but put here so it doesn't seems so empty..

Zone 1 NCO Course '06 - Bunk Inspection (Nursing) 01

KCSJ@* 8:07 AM

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

'Every Second Count' CPR competition

Congrats to team 1 lead by Li Yun with her members: Priscilla, Benjamin, Zhi Yong and Chong Loon for getting the champion in this competition first held in Ngee Ann Poly on 7/11/2006. To the other team lead by Qin Rong with the following members: Grace, Timothy, Ying Xuan and Xing Feng, you all also did a reat job! Hope all of you learn some things!

Also a very special thanks to Miss Siu (previous officier in charge of KCPSJAB) to lead us to Ngee Ann Poly!!!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

KCSJ@* 11:54 AM

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Public Duty – Amazing Canal Challenge

Date: 23th October 2006, Monday
Time: 9.30am – 12.30pm
Reporting Attire: Black collar t-shirt with PE shorts

IC for PD: Cpl Lam Zhi Yong

People on duty

Station 2

IC: Li Yun
--Hui Fang
--Ying Xuan

Sec 1s: Xi Yuan, Saranyan

Patrolling: Station 1 to 2
IC: Cherie
--Xiu Li

Sec 1s: Nicholas, Norris

Patrolling: Station 2 to 3

IC: Zhi Yong
--Qin Rong

Sec 1s: Siti, Linkeswary

Things to bring

Station 2
--First aid box 2
--Ice box [blue]

Patrolling: Station 1 to 2
--First aid poach 2 & 3

Patrolling: Station 2 to 3
--First aid poach 4 & 5

--People on duty are to meet Mr Mark Chua in the morning for instructions
--Cpl Lam Zhi Yong is to ensure all poaches are collected in the morning and distribute them according

KCSJ@* 7:50 PM