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Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Combined Corp
Zone 1
1st aid & home nursing compt'07 - 1st runner up 1st aid & home nursing compt'06 - 2nd runner up
1st aid & home nursing compt'05 - CPR 1st
Every Second Counts CPR competition'06 - 1st
Zone walkaton collection'06 - Highest Average

Our corp

Please click on the names to get to their blogs :)

Mdm Nah - Teacher Officer
Miss Yu - Treasurer
Kuo Hsiung - IMPT senior!
Nuraidah - Senior


Wei Lun - OIC
Li Yun - 1st aid head
Zhi Yong - Secretary/Badge head
Chong Loon - Public Duty Head
Cherie - 1st aid assistant
Benjamin - Admin assistant
Qin Rong - Public Duty assistant

Section 4

Section IC: Qin Rong
WeiLun - ZhiYong - ChongLoon - LiYun - QinRong - HuiFang - Eileen - Grace - Xiu Li - Priscilla

Section 3

Section IC: Timothy Seah
Benjamin - Timothy - Cherie

Section 2

Section IC: Ying Xuan
XingFeng - XiYuan - David - Nicholas - Norris - Pooja - YingXuan - Linkeswary - Saranyan

Section 1

Section IC: -
Wei Lin - Wei Qi - Iris - Jia Hui - Jia Wei - Nicholas - Xin Rui

Important links

St John Org | SJAB zone 1 | Zone 1 forum | CPBS badges | KOTO notes | SJAB photos |


Can tok in squad ah?


September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
January 2007
April 2007
Saturday, September 16, 2006

so ppl.. I believe all of u have seen this new blogskin.. I took the layout from my cousin blogskin and change it with our st john pic.. hope you all like it =)


KCSJ@* 12:16 AM

Friday, September 15, 2006

Dear ppl,

pls download the knowledge of the order of st john at the webby below so get the KOTO notes for 16/09/2006 KOTO test


Please report at 12.20pm at st john headquaters as the exam starts at 12.30pm..

KCSJ@* 10:07 PM

Dear ppl,

pls download the knowledge of the order of st john at the webby below so get the KOTO notes for 16/09/2006 KOTO test


Please report at 12.20pm at st john headquaters as the exam starts at 12.30pm..

KCSJ@* 4:51 PM

Saturday, September 09, 2006

yoz ppl.. i had created a new pic to take over the stupid mouse which looks super werid.. this is the 8th attempt of the pic.. hope you all like it..

if you all got any pics can also send to me.. cause its still quite a plain blog.. pls add me on msn: chongloon_2003@hotmail.com.. thanks..

KCSJ@* 12:17 AM

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

so people.. pls pass me ur blog's links or juz ut it at the tagboard.. if u all wish to change anything pls get the user and password from either me or eileen..

and also.. for the sjab walkaton, kh is planning to do smth fun.. so fellow sec 3s, let do smth! well.. his suggestion is we bring plastic bottles and make noise.. and use cloth to cut out 'Z, O, N, E' and we wear our B.N.C.O. shirt, behind got the '1' one so we can show: 'ZONE 1' .. ya.. if u got any more suggestions lets discuss it next time :) Sign, Chong Loon

KCSJ@* 12:33 PM