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Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Combined Corp
Zone 1
1st aid & home nursing compt'07 - 1st runner up 1st aid & home nursing compt'06 - 2nd runner up
1st aid & home nursing compt'05 - CPR 1st
Every Second Counts CPR competition'06 - 1st
Zone walkaton collection'06 - Highest Average

Our corp

Please click on the names to get to their blogs :)

Mdm Nah - Teacher Officer
Miss Yu - Treasurer
Kuo Hsiung - IMPT senior!
Nuraidah - Senior


Wei Lun - OIC
Li Yun - 1st aid head
Zhi Yong - Secretary/Badge head
Chong Loon - Public Duty Head
Cherie - 1st aid assistant
Benjamin - Admin assistant
Qin Rong - Public Duty assistant

Section 4

Section IC: Qin Rong
WeiLun - ZhiYong - ChongLoon - LiYun - QinRong - HuiFang - Eileen - Grace - Xiu Li - Priscilla

Section 3

Section IC: Timothy Seah
Benjamin - Timothy - Cherie

Section 2

Section IC: Ying Xuan
XingFeng - XiYuan - David - Nicholas - Norris - Pooja - YingXuan - Linkeswary - Saranyan

Section 1

Section IC: -
Wei Lin - Wei Qi - Iris - Jia Hui - Jia Wei - Nicholas - Xin Rui

Important links

St John Org | SJAB zone 1 | Zone 1 forum | CPBS badges | KOTO notes | SJAB photos |


Can tok in squad ah?


September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
January 2007
April 2007
Thursday, October 19, 2006

Public Duty – Amazing Canal Challenge

Date: 23th October 2006, Monday
Time: 9.30am – 12.30pm
Reporting Attire: Black collar t-shirt with PE shorts

IC for PD: Cpl Lam Zhi Yong

People on duty

Station 2

IC: Li Yun
--Hui Fang
--Ying Xuan

Sec 1s: Xi Yuan, Saranyan

Patrolling: Station 1 to 2
IC: Cherie
--Xiu Li

Sec 1s: Nicholas, Norris

Patrolling: Station 2 to 3

IC: Zhi Yong
--Qin Rong

Sec 1s: Siti, Linkeswary

Things to bring

Station 2
--First aid box 2
--Ice box [blue]

Patrolling: Station 1 to 2
--First aid poach 2 & 3

Patrolling: Station 2 to 3
--First aid poach 4 & 5

--People on duty are to meet Mr Mark Chua in the morning for instructions
--Cpl Lam Zhi Yong is to ensure all poaches are collected in the morning and distribute them according

KCSJ@* 7:50 PM

Monday, October 16, 2006

>>Field Trip Public Duties

1) Public Duty – Sec 1 Learning Journey

Date: 17th Oct 2006
Time: 8.00am – 2.00pm
Attire: School Uniform

Cadets involve:
Pooja (IC)
Ying Xuan
Xing Feng

Things to bring:
o First aid poach 4 & 5

2) Public Duty – Visit to charity Homes

Date: 19th Oct 2006
Time: 8.00am – 2.00pm
Attire: School Uniform

Cadets involve:
Timothy Seah (IC)
Cherie Ngan
Benjamin Wong

Things to bring:
o First aid poach 2 & 3

3) Public Duty – Visit to Science Centre

Date: 19th Oct 2006
Time: 8.00am – 2.00pm
Attire: School Uniform

Cadets involve:
For all the above PD, the IC is to meet me in the morning (7.10am) at 3rd floor colour benches to collect the things needed.

Chong LoonYing Xuan (IC)
Xing Feng

Things to bring;
First aid poach 4 & 5

4) Public Duty – Heritage Race

Date: 20th Oct 2006
Time: 8.00am – 4.00pm
Attire: TBA

Cadets involve:
Li Yun (IC)
Zhi Yong
Chong Loon
Wei Lun
Hui Fang
Qin Rong
Xiu Li

Things to bring;
First aid poach 2, 3, 4 & 5

5) Public Duty – Math Activity Day

Date: 20th Oct 2006
Time: 8.00am – 4.00pm
Attire: School Uniform

Cadets involve:
Cherie Ngan (IC)
Timothy Seah
Benjamin Wong

Things to bring:
o First aid poach 2 & 3

For all the above PD, the IC is to meet me (chongloon) in the morning (7.10am) at 3rd floor colour benches to collect the things needed.

Chong Loon

KCSJ@* 9:54 PM