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Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Combined Corp
Zone 1
1st aid & home nursing compt'07 - 1st runner up 1st aid & home nursing compt'06 - 2nd runner up
1st aid & home nursing compt'05 - CPR 1st
Every Second Counts CPR competition'06 - 1st
Zone walkaton collection'06 - Highest Average

Our corp

Please click on the names to get to their blogs :)

Mdm Nah - Teacher Officer
Miss Yu - Treasurer
Kuo Hsiung - IMPT senior!
Nuraidah - Senior


Wei Lun - OIC
Li Yun - 1st aid head
Zhi Yong - Secretary/Badge head
Chong Loon - Public Duty Head
Cherie - 1st aid assistant
Benjamin - Admin assistant
Qin Rong - Public Duty assistant

Section 4

Section IC: Qin Rong
WeiLun - ZhiYong - ChongLoon - LiYun - QinRong - HuiFang - Eileen - Grace - Xiu Li - Priscilla

Section 3

Section IC: Timothy Seah
Benjamin - Timothy - Cherie

Section 2

Section IC: Ying Xuan
XingFeng - XiYuan - David - Nicholas - Norris - Pooja - YingXuan - Linkeswary - Saranyan

Section 1

Section IC: -
Wei Lin - Wei Qi - Iris - Jia Hui - Jia Wei - Nicholas - Xin Rui

Important links

St John Org | SJAB zone 1 | Zone 1 forum | CPBS badges | KOTO notes | SJAB photos |


Can tok in squad ah?


September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
January 2007
April 2007
Wednesday, November 08, 2006

'Every Second Count' CPR competition

Congrats to team 1 lead by Li Yun with her members: Priscilla, Benjamin, Zhi Yong and Chong Loon for getting the champion in this competition first held in Ngee Ann Poly on 7/11/2006. To the other team lead by Qin Rong with the following members: Grace, Timothy, Ying Xuan and Xing Feng, you all also did a reat job! Hope all of you learn some things!

Also a very special thanks to Miss Siu (previous officier in charge of KCPSJAB) to lead us to Ngee Ann Poly!!!

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